Personal Ministry

If you are interested in receiving ministry for a specific issue you are dealing with, please download the personal questionnaire below.  Once you have the questionnaire, please return it via email to

Each ministry receiver will be required to fill out the downloadable personal questionnaire (PQ) provided.

The completed PQ and an interview process provides the prayer ministers with necessary information relating to the issue that is negatively affecting your life.  The questionnaire will provide insight regarding any inner vows, ungodly beliefs, demonic oppression, generational curses, unhealthy relationship ties, etc. that are causing ongoing problems in your life.

Ministry sessions will be led by two prayer ministers and the individual ministry receiver.  We will rely on the Holy Spirit as our guide.  We will depend on Him to reveal truth and bring about everlasting change in your life.

Additional teaching resources related to the issue may be recommended or required.

Referrals for additional assistance and/or support may be made if appropriate or required by law.

Taking the next step…
Download the Pre-Ministry Personal Questionnaire (PQ) using the “Download File” link provided below.
Review and complete the PQ.
Return the completed PQ to

Once your PQ has been reviewed, you will be contacted to schedule an appointment.

Download Form